5 Reasons to Join our CSA in the New Year!

Resolve to eat more vegetables, reduce your carbon footprint, or improve your cooking skills in 2024? Joining a CSA is the perfect way to help achieve so many new year's resolutions – and we’re still accepting new members! Here are five reasons to join our CSA this year:

1. Consistently eat MORE veggies!
Having a CSA subscription guarantees you’ll receive a diverse selection of produce each week, adding variety and nutrients to your diet! With fresh produce coming to your home every week, it’s easy to get your daily intake of veggies and fruit in. Worried about committing to a weekly subscription? Start with a small box of veggies delivered every other week! Start with eating MORE veggies, not changing your whole diet. By starting simple, you can make long lasting changes that make you feel proud!

2. AUTOMATE your produce shopping and make less trips to the grocery store!
Our CSA subscriptions make it easy to automate your produce shopping! You’ll automatically receive your subscription each week, so you can take one thing off your to-do list. We also have an Online Farmers Market full of additional produce, eggs, bread, pantry items, and more that you can add to your box. Make less trips to the grocery store and enjoy the convenience of home delivery, while supporting your local farms!

3. Support LOCAL and ORGANIC farms in our region!
By being a CSA member, you’re supporting our local women-owned farm, local jobs, and organic farming in our delicate and important waterway! You’re also supporting the many other local partner farmers and producers we work with to supplement our CSA shares. The more CSA members we get, the more acres we can steward and transition to organic production and the more farmers we can hire!

4. Cook better and more diverse meals!
We take the time each week to design a box that highlights the best of what’s in season, keeping in mind which vegetables and herbs compliment each other for meals. We give you recipes with every single box to make sure you are inspired and have all the tools you need to make the most out of your box!

5. Take ACTION against climate change!
By shifting your diet to local farmers, you are taking definitive climate change action that impacts your region for the better -- AND improves your health to boot! If more people in the Mid-Atlantic region shift more of their diets to local and organic foods, over the next few years a MASSIVE shift can happen. Our communities will rely less on fossil fuels to ship produce (that can be grown locally) across the country. Our communities will become more resilient by relying less on imports -- imports that are subject to supply chain or climate change disruptions at any point -- for our daily needs and survival. And with increased support, the region's farmers can transition more acres to organic food production with long-term soil health strategies, and help to heal our region from years of poor land and water management that is poisoning our waterways and ecosystem. Eat local and take part in curbing climate change and strengthening our region's food supply.

Ready to join our CSA?

We’d love to be your farmers in 2024! We have multiple share sizes, weekly *and* bi-weekly frequency options, a swap option, and more! Need help finding the right subscription for you or have questions? Email support@moonvalleyfarm.net and we’re happy to help!


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