Our farming practices
At Moon Valley Farm, we are certified organic through the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) and are Real Organic Certified as well. We follow all organic practices under the guidelines of the National Organic Program (NOP) and are proud to steward our land with all organic practices.
We integrate methods such as crop rotation, cover cropping, planting beneficial insect strips, integrated-pest-management (IPM) strategies, planting living mulches, excluding pests with row cover, using strategic crop timing, succession planting, crop selection, releasing beneficial insects and more into our crop plans to grow high quality produce while minimizing inputs.
Beyond the basic requirements
In order to provide our customers with the best produce we can while stewarding the land responsibly, we utilize organic methods that go beyond the basic requirements of organic standards. We test our soils annually and work with a Nutrient Management specialist to come up with the best strategies for healthy soils and healthy plants on our farm.
Leave the soil better when we’re gone
We are strategically increasing the biodiversity on our farm in order to host beneficials beyond the insect world, and have purple martin homes, brush piles for snakes, hedges for birds & small mammals, bat homes, an apiary and more. Our priority is to steward the land responsibly and leave the soil better when we’re gone than it was when we began to care for it.