Staff Spotlight: Joe!

This month, we are spotlighting Joe, one of our amazing Delivery Drivers! He covers our DC route, bringing veggies to our CSA members and restaurants in the area weekly.

What is your title/role at the farm?


What is your favorite part of your job?

Greeting and meeting some of our customers.

How or why did you get into farming?

I was looking for a change from office work.

What’s your favorite veggie?


What’s a previous career you’ve had?

I was a property manager for Multi housing industry for 20 years.

Favorite meal of the day and what do you like to make?

I love food! I make a variety of foods, this week I made a spicy Thai chicken stir fry with carrots, broccoli, onion and brown rice.

Favorite season?


Favorite hobby?


Do you have any pets?

No, but my wife has a dog.

What’s your favorite vacation you’ve been on?

Going to bowl in the national bowling tournament annually.


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