Staff Spotlight: Grant!

Each month, we’re going to share a little about each of the amazing people that make up our team at Moon Valley Farm. 

Meet Grant, our Food Hub Manager! He wears several hats at the farm which include: maintaining relationships with partner farms, choosing what goes into CSA, sourcing products for our online farmers market and restaurant customers, photography, internal communication, and most importantly - food safety.

What is your title/role at the farm?

Food Hub Manager - I wear several hats which includes: maintaining relationships with partner farms, choosing what goes into CSA, sourcing products for our online farmers market and restaurant customers, photography, internal communication, and most importantly - food safety.

What is your favorite part of your job?

I truly love getting to choose fun and exciting food for our CSA shares! 

How or why did you get into farming?

I've always maintained a poorly performing vegetable garden and wanted to learn how to improve. I lost my job in the pandemic so I took that as an opportunity to change careers and contribute to our local food system.

What’s your favorite veggie?

Chinese eggplant! Sliced in half lengthwise and grilled.

What’s a previous career you’ve had?

I was a professional studio photographer for 8 years.

Favorite meal of the day and what do you like to make?

I can't start the day without a solid breakfast and coffee. Toast with cheese, microgreens, hot sauce, and a fried egg every day.

Favorite season?


Favorite hobby?

Rock Climbing

Do you have any pets?

A parrot named Gandy (Gandalf) and a dog named Juju

What’s your favorite vacation you’ve been on?

Backpacked through Czech Republic - Slovenia - Amsterdam 


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