Land Expansion at Moon Valley Farm

We’re THRILLED to share that we got a lease on property right across the street from our farm and are now farming 47 acres, and next year will be farming a total of 70 acres! This growth will allow us to steward the land much better — single cropping fields, adding more cover crops, having more space between crop families (ahem, brassicas), grow more crop diversity, grow more winter storage crops, and grow food for more people.

These acres will be in transition to organic over the next 3 years and we are humbled and grateful to be afforded the opportunity to do this, DIRECTLY made possible by the support of our CSA members, Chefs, and school customers. As we've slowly and steadily added more CSA members each year, we've been able to farm more land - transitioning more acres to organic - hire more passionate farmers, and make important investments on the farm that prioritize our bodies (like better equipment!), that prioritize diversity (like more high tunnels for winter production!), and climate resilience (like a back-up generator in case we lose power!). What started as a one-woman show on 1/2 acre in production now employs close to 20 people all year round and is on 47 (and soon to be 70!) acres!!

We have ONLY been able to grow because of our members' support. Thank you SO much to everyone who has joined our CSA and eaten through the seasons with us.

Support us by joining our CSA or buying from our Online Farmer's Market for home delivery!


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