Farm Bill 2023

Every 5 years, Congress passes a huge package of legislation called the Farm Bill, which impacts farm livelihoods, how food is grown, what foods are grown, and funds nutrition programs. This year, the Farm Bill expires and members of Congress are working hard to create a new bill that should be passed in the Fall. 

This legislation is HUGE – the last one was over $450 billion dollars – and influences many aspects of our farm business for 5 whole years. So two weeks ago, Farmer Emma went to Congress to meet with some of our representatives and those working on the legislation to tell them what we want to see happen in the bill. 


As a first generation, self-taught, female farmer, I know firsthand how hard it is to establish and grow a small-scale, organic farm business. Now that I’m in year 12 of Moon Valley Farm, I have learned that many of these programs are well-intentioned, but are written for and largely benefit conventional and/or large scale farmers. I decided to go down to DC to meet with my representatives and those creating this legislation so that my voice can be heard as a small-scale, diversified, certified organic farmer, so that hopefully millions of farmers like me can benefit from being included in this legislation over the next 5 years.

Here’s a summary of what we’re advocating for in this bill.

  • Co-sponsor Agriculture Resilience Act (ARA), which calls to prioritize funding for farmer-led, science-based solutions to climate change. The ARA would offer prioritized funding for farmers of color and beginner farmers, which we fully support. Additionally, this bill aims to give farmers the tools they need to achieve net-zero by 2040. 

  • Prioritize racial justice! Establish a new office and coordinating position within the Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) mission area, focused on equitable access to land and centering the needs of small, beginning, urban, and BIPOC farmers. Ensure USDA seeks Tribal advice and guidance, including by seating the Tribal Advisory Committee authorized in the 2018 Farm Bill

  • Incentivize on-farm conservation! Increase Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funding and raise the cap for inflation on cost per square foot for high tunnel cost sharing. Create cover cropping programs for organic and diversified farmers! Incentivize seed growing and saving!

  • Expand Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP) funding! Create new LAMP program to incentivize improving soil health. Create fast track applications to make them more accessible for farmers, and move the grant deadline from early May to a more farmer-friendly time of year!

  • Make crop insurance accessible for diversified, organic, veg operations! Cap crop insurance for giant corporations who use it as a crutch for poor practices.

  • Increase on-farm renewable energy program (REAP) and keep the newly increased matches to keep the program accessible.

  • Ensure Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funding remains adequate to promote food security for all. Increase SNAP availability for fresh produce and for online purchases.

Thank you for supporting our small farm with sharing our emails, telling your friends, with your CSA subscriptions, and with your Online Farmer’s Market and Plant Sale orders! That has been the primary way we’ve grown our business, and hopefully we’ll be able to grow more in the future with that and also with the support of more relevant Farm Bill programs! 


Our Long-Term Soil Health Strategy